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Quick delivery of Photo Albums and Videos within 14 days!

You don't have to wait for 2 or 3 months to get your albums and videos!
We are ready to serve you faster! 

Why does it take so long for your wedding album to be delivered???

Recently I heard of a couple who waited A YEAR for their wedding album to be ready! A whole year …. 365 days. Now that is just completely and utterly ridiculous.


On the flip side we live in a digital, technological age where people expect instant results and often clients are disappointed about having to wait a couple of months for their wedding album. I mean if you are shooting on digital the results should be instant right? WRONG!


Digital photography has changed the whole game from films to memory chips! Digital pics are instant in the sense you can view them immediately BUT there is a whole load of work that goes on behind the scenes from the shoot to the delivery of the album.


Here is the whole process step by step


1. When we photographers get back from a wedding, we always transfer all the images to our computers and we will back them up in another hard disk as safety measures.


2. Shooting digitally means that it there is no longer a direct expense every time we click the shutter, this means that we tend to shoot A LOT. Before we even start working on images we have to go through hundreds or in some cases thousands of images to get rid of all the nasty ones or the repeats. We have to cull all the extras and get the job down to a workable amount. This process takes a while and is a BIG part of the job.

Our in-house data team will go through all the photo files and remove the bad ones. The good ones are digitally recorded in DVD's and given to clients for them to select the best for album designing. These photo DVD's are delivered on the 3rd day after wedding. 


3. The most time consuming process for the wedding couple is the photo selection for albums. This step is very important for faster delivery of albums. We understand that it is very hard and tiresome to select (prescribed number of images as per package selected) from thousands of images. 

If the selection process is done faster, then, 50% of the album work is completed. 


4. After selection, we go through the list of selected pictures and start designing the album pages with unique, creative layouts. We don't use set formulas for every wedding and we believe in making a unique album to suit every individual client. The images will be enhanced using softwares like photoshop & lightroom.  While completely in line with the latest design trends, our albums are timeless and make the perfect keepsake. Each customer is assigned a designer based on your specific design style selection. Our team of designers is well versed in the latest graphic design techniques and craft personalized album layouts in a timely fashion—let us tell your story! Image retouching is done to all images. 


5. Once the designing is completed, the designed pages or layouts are mailed to the client for any corrections or design change. Every correction mentioned by the client is done, till the customer is completely satisfied with the output. Only the selected images are used to design the albums. You are free to make corrections and revisions to a certain acceptable limit.


6. The approved designs are printed on imported non-tearable synthetic sheets, laminated as per your requirements and bound professionally.

Now, the albums are ready for delivery.


HD Videography:






















As far as videography is concerned, the full output of wedding is carefully analysed by our professional video editing team and then the editing starts. Unwanted shots, nasty interventions and shots of longer lengths are edited and fine music to suit the situation is added. Titles or name cards are included and the final output is given in a Blu-ray disc. The HD format is then converted into DVD file format and DVD copies are made.

While editing, the best shots of the wedding are clipped and saved in a separate folder for creating of short story of the wedding. These shots are then compiled together and final editing is done as per the music track selected to create a unique, creative and professional short video story of the wedding. 


Now, we hope that you can understand the complete process involved in creating of a wedding album and wedding videos. 


If the photo selection process done by clients is completed quickly, then we can assure you that the albums and videos can be delivered within 14 days. 


The days count starts from the day, when the selected photo list is submitted to our office. 

We assure you, that the album designs and video output will be the best and there will be no difference in quality between albums made in 14 days or 2 months. We have delivered to many US, UK, Australia, Canada and UAE clients within 10 to 14 days. 


No more 2 months delivery time for albums and videos! We are ready to serve you faster!








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